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Special Services

Video reviews from our recent customers
Moving Size Movers and Trucks Rate Approximate Time
to Complete
Studio or Less 2 Guys and 1 Truck $140/hr 3 hours $420
Small 1 Bedroom 2 Guys and 1 Truck $140/hr 3 - 4 hours $420 - $560
Large 1 Bedroom 2 Guys and 1 Truck $140/hr 3 - 5 hours $420 - $700
Small 2 Bedroom 2 Guys and 1 Truck $140/hr 3 - 5 hours $420 - $700
Large 2 Bedroom 3 Guys and 1 Truck $190/hr 4 - 6 hours $760 - $1140
3 Bedroom Apt 3 Guys and 1 Truck $190/hr 5 - 7 hours $950 - $1330
2 Bedroom Townhouse/House 3 Guys and 1 Truck $190/hr 5 - 7 hours $950 - $1330
3 Bedroom Townhouse/House 4 Guys and 1 Truck $240/hr 6 - 8 hours $1440 - $1920
4 Bedroom Townhouse/House 4 Guys and 1 Truck $240/hr 7 - 10 hours $1680 - $2400
5+ Bedroom Townhouse/House 5 Guys and 2 Trucks $340/hr Up to 12 hours Up to $4080
*All estimates in the table are based on our experience and may not always be relevant to your particular move. An accurate estimate can be provided by our managers only.
**Hourly rates in the table may vary depending on the time of season.
Hourly Rate
$140/ hr*
  • Expedited delivery
  • 2 professional movers
  • Insurance
  • Dedicated clean truck
  • Gas, tolls, miles, taxes
Online and On-site Free Estimates
Online and On-site
Free Estimates
Affordable Rates and Discounts
Affordable Rates
and Discounts
Fully Licensed and Insured
Fully Licensed
and Insured
Professional Moving Crew
Professional Moving

Special ServicesAdditional Moving Services

These are some additional moving services our company can provide. Call us at 617-903-2609 if you have any questions.

Parking Permits

One of the main problems with moving is parking. Tracks usually take at least 2 parking slots, and if you live in a place where you don’t have a loading dock, u definitely have to consider getting a parking permit. It gives us a guaranteed perfect place to move to and saves you time.

We strictly recommend getting moving parking permits in Boston areas such as (North end, Charlestown, and Back Bay). Also, if you are living on a one-way street and there is parking on both sides of the street. You definitely have to get a parking permit. If you do not do this, your estimated time will be wrong. Because movers must park the truck in any available spot closest to the apartment.

Also, customers are responsible for any parking tickets (if they are not purchasing a moving permit from city hall). Don’t forget that your moving date is at least 2 weeks from today and no more than one month away.

We can take care of parking permits by purchasing them, but we charge an additional amount of money for this service. You can also do it yourself and apply for the permits below.
Apply here: Boston

Learn more about Boston Parking Permits.

Hoisting ServicesSpecial Services

Hand-hoisting is a delicate procedure that requires training and should be attempted by professional movers. When your item doesn’t fit into the door space, it can be brought in or out through a window or over a balcony. Usually, it requires three movers to conduct hoisting safely.

We also charge an additional amount for this process. (40$ for a flight of stairs). Because it requires additional stretch, power, and also 3 movers for a safe process. We know a lot about moving and hoisting services in Boston. If your couch doesn’t fit into your new apartment, we can help you.
On top of the hoisting fee, we charge an hourly rate, which is $190 per for 3 movers (3 hours minimum).
Total charges should look like $190×3=$570+$80(Hoisting fee)=$650 total.
If we can hoist your item, we can also get a crane service. The price for that will be around $600 total, plus our labor.

We also can take apart your window to make it through. This process is easy and can be accomplished with Boston moving companies such as Born to Move.

Crane hoisting

Sometimes, when you need the manpower to hoist furniture up to the third or fourth floor. You can utilize manpower, but when you need to bring the piano up to the 4th floor through the balcony you need a crane service. You can certainly get a moving quote from all of the moving companies in Boston. However, when you need crane services, that is a problem that will arise that you need to solve, and Born To Move does provide crane moving services in the greater Boston area.
If you need a Moving crane in Boston, all you have to do is give us a call at 617-903-2609. Provide your list of items that need to be hoisted to which floor, and we can also help you.
Crane by the hour will cost you $200 per hour 2 hours minimum.

Moving parking permits for crane hoisting

Moving permits for the crane is essential. You can get them from a City Hall, or we can also get them for you. You have to give us a call and provide us with the date for crane service, and we can pull them up and pull them out once the job is completed. The service will cost you $250 in total

Police details for Crane

We can also provide you with police details for the crane when you need them.
For details, we charge $240 for a minimum of two hours. If you decide to hire Born To Move, one of the best furniture hoisting services in Boston, we will need to block off the street for the crane.
That’s why, for safety reasons, you need to block the entire street, and only in this case do we need to hire police details.

Special Services
Our Moving Company is fully licensed and insured!
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Need an idea how much your move will cost? You can use our moving cost calculator or online request form to get an approximate estimate for your move.
Fill out the request form or
contact us over the phone at
(617) 903-2609
Kindly provide us with a comprehensive inventory
list, or use your phone to capture the inventory
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moving pros you can trust with complete confidence
born to Move meets all insurance requirements.
To find out more about our professional moving services, please call our office Monday through Saturday 9am to 7pm.
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