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Professional movers and Packers in Chicago

Video reviews from our recent customers
Moving Size Movers and Trucks Rate Approximate Time
to Complete
Studio or Less 2 Guys and 1 Truck $140/hr 3 hours $420
Small 1 Bedroom 2 Guys and 1 Truck $140/hr 3 - 4 hours $420 - $560
Large 1 Bedroom 2 Guys and 1 Truck $140/hr 3 - 5 hours $420 - $700
Small 2 Bedroom 2 Guys and 1 Truck $140/hr 3 - 5 hours $420 - $700
Large 2 Bedroom 3 Guys and 1 Truck $190/hr 4 - 6 hours $760 - $1140
3 Bedroom Apt 3 Guys and 1 Truck $190/hr 5 - 7 hours $950 - $1330
2 Bedroom Townhouse/House 3 Guys and 1 Truck $190/hr 5 - 7 hours $950 - $1330
3 Bedroom Townhouse/House 4 Guys and 1 Truck $240/hr 6 - 8 hours $1440 - $1920
4 Bedroom Townhouse/House 4 Guys and 1 Truck $240/hr 7 - 10 hours $1680 - $2400
5+ Bedroom Townhouse/House 5 Guys and 2 Trucks $340/hr Up to 12 hours Up to $4080
*All estimates in the table are based on our experience and may not always be relevant to your particular move. An accurate estimate can be provided by our managers only.
**Hourly rates in the table may vary depending on the time of season.
Hourly Rate
$140/ hr*
  • Expedited delivery
  • 2 professional movers
  • Insurance
  • Dedicated clean truck
  • Gas, tolls, miles, taxes
Online and On-site Free Estimates
Online and On-site
Free Estimates
Affordable Rates and Discounts
Affordable Rates
and Discounts
Fully Licensed and Insured
Fully Licensed
and Insured
Professional Moving Crew
Professional Moving


Born To Move moving in storage offers a variety of services, and we know how valuable your time is. That’s one of the reasons we offer professional packing services that will fit your needs. We can unpack all the boxes, all the furniture, TVs, and all the electronics, just let us know what type of packing you need.

We offer a variety of packing solutions for you

How can I know which storage unit I need for my move?

Here is the list below:

Full packing means we will come to you and you don’t have to lift a finger. We’ll pack up your entire apartment into boxes, we’ll pack up your furniture with moving blankets, shrink wrap, and tape. All you have to do is give us some instructions for what to pack and Movers Chicago will follow your instructions.


Partial packing or kitchen packing

This means Born To Move movers will come to you, and will pack up your fragile stuff or kitchen stuff into boxes. We’ll use packing paper, plastic crates, or regular boxes to move you to a different state or a different apartment.

Price for Packing supplies.

  • Tape $4
  • Small box $4
  • Medium box $5
  • Large box $7
  • Picture box $7
  • TV box $25
  • Dish pack $10
  • Wardrobe $18
  • Commercial bin box $40

How long does it take to pack up?

  • 1 room or less/studio: 1-3 hours
  • 1 bedroom apartment: 3/5 hours
  • 2 bedroom apartment: 4/6 hours
  • 3 bedroom apartment: 6/8 hours

How much do packers and movers in Chicago charge?

How can I know which storage unit I need for my move?

  • For 3 professional packers and movers, we charge $210 per hour.
  • For 2 professional packers and movers, we charge $140 per hour.
  • Plus, the cost of packing supplies. You can also get your packing supplies on your own and we will use them for your packing in Chicago.


Once we complete your moving and unpack all your boxes, we will remove the trash and all of the packing paper. Born to Move takes all the trash with us so you don’t have to throw away any boxes or any trash that is left. Our compan

y will unpack and clean all unnecessary boxes and tape and packing supplies, so you don’t have to do that unpacking. It’s complicated, but we will make it easier for you. Our unpackers and movers will do everything to satisfy your unpacking needs.

Please take your belongings that you don’t want movers to touch with you, or put them in a separate room or a separate corner. That way they will not end up in one of the boxes.

Movers will
Pack your furniture with moving blankets

Pack your furniture with moving blankets

Disassemble reassemble your furniture

Disassemble reassemble your furniture

Rearranging a furniture inside your new apartment the way you want

Rearranging a furniture inside your new
apartment the way you want

Take a trash after the move is completed

Take a trash after the move is completed

To Get a Free Online Quote
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Book your move in 3 easy steps
Need an idea how much your move will cost? You can use our moving cost calculator or online request form to get an approximate estimate for your move.
Fill out the request form or
contact us over the phone at
(617) 903-2609
Kindly provide us with a comprehensive inventory
list, or use your phone to capture the inventory
Personal Quote
Get a transparent quote for your move! We are
moving pros you can trust with complete confidence
born to Move meets all insurance requirements.
To find out more about our professional moving services, please call our office Monday through Saturday 9am to 7pm.
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