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Plantation Movers, FL

Video reviews from our recent customers
Moving Size Movers and Trucks Rate Approximate Time
to Complete
Studio or Less 2 Guys and 1 Truck $140/hr 3 hours $420
Small 1 Bedroom 2 Guys and 1 Truck $140/hr 3 - 4 hours $420 - $560
Large 1 Bedroom 2 Guys and 1 Truck $140/hr 3 - 5 hours $420 - $700
Small 2 Bedroom 2 Guys and 1 Truck $140/hr 3 - 5 hours $420 - $700
Large 2 Bedroom 3 Guys and 1 Truck $190/hr 4 - 6 hours $760 - $1140
3 Bedroom Apt 3 Guys and 1 Truck $190/hr 5 - 7 hours $950 - $1330
2 Bedroom Townhouse/House 3 Guys and 1 Truck $190/hr 5 - 7 hours $950 - $1330
3 Bedroom Townhouse/House 4 Guys and 1 Truck $240/hr 6 - 8 hours $1440 - $1920
4 Bedroom Townhouse/House 4 Guys and 1 Truck $240/hr 7 - 10 hours $1680 - $2400
5+ Bedroom Townhouse/House 5 Guys and 2 Trucks $340/hr Up to 12 hours Up to $4080
*All estimates in the table are based on our experience and may not always be relevant to your particular move. An accurate estimate can be provided by our managers only.
**Hourly rates in the table may vary depending on the time of season.
Hourly Rate
$140/ hr*
  • Expedited delivery
  • 2 professional movers
  • Insurance
  • Dedicated clean truck
  • Gas, tolls, miles, taxes
Online and On-site Free Estimates
Online and On-site
Free Estimates
Affordable Rates and Discounts
Affordable Rates
and Discounts
Fully Licensed and Insured
Fully Licensed
and Insured
Professional Moving Crew
Professional Moving

Plantation, Florida, is a neighborhood located close to Fort Lauderdale, and if you want to move from Plantation, Florida, to a different neighborhood in the Miami metro area or out of state, don’t hesitate to contact our moving company who is able to help you move your stuff efficiently without any problem and stress-free. All you need to do when you come to us to do the move is register on our website. When you submit the request, our move experts will call you and provide you with the estimate, but for the estimate, we need to get your list of items and exact date when you will be moving. After that, we are able to schedule the move if you would like our quote, and we can proceed with the reservation, but before that, we will also have to verify the number of boxes and what kind of services you need in order to book and proceed with your quote.

How can I know which storage unit I need for my move?

Local Moving

Moving locally means you’re moving less than 150 miles from your original location. If you’re moving more than that, it will be interstate moving or intrastate. That means if you’re moving out of state, it’s long-distance, and if you move within the state, it’s intrastate. But it’s not the case if you move less than 150 miles from your current place. What you need to do when you manage to hire a local moving company is check if they have sufficient reviews and license to operate within Plantation, Florida. This is all very important to know if your move will be done quick and easy. You don’t have any questions, but if something happens with your furniture, then you will have some questions on how to get money for your broken stuff. Not all the movers provide you with the same service, and getting your money could be hard, especially if the company is not licensed or insured. Born To Move is a licensed and insured moving company and will compensate you if something will happen to your stuff when you need to. Not all the moving companies are the same; some provide better service than others, and some of them just get your money and don’t care about your stuff or consequences if something goes wrong.

Born To Move-it’s not the case. Everything will be included in our moving service, such as great customer service, wrapping up the furniture, protecting, disassembly, truck, insurance, and so on. Everything, and we’re not a broker; we also don’t sell the jobs to third-party, and we do moves just with only our employees, and we don’t hire anybody else to do moving jobs.

Movers will
Pack your furniture with moving blankets

Pack your furniture with moving blankets

Disassemble reassemble your furniture

Disassemble reassemble your furniture

Rearranging a furniture inside your new apartment the way you want

Rearranging a furniture inside your new
apartment the way you want

Take a trash after the move is completed

Take a trash after the move is completed


What happens if you move long distance?

It’s pretty much all the same besides that you need to pack up your boxes. Your furniture will be on us, so you don’t have to pack up furniture, but you will have to pack up the boxes unless you request us to do the full packing. Full pack means we pack up everything. But for the long distance, movers provide you a flat rate for the move. Plantation moving company is able to provide you a flat rate within the minute such as Born To Move. We just need to figure out what kind of service you need and how fast do you want us to deliver your stuff. Usually, we can deliver your stuff anywhere, even from coast to coast, within 3 to 5 days including pick up and delivery. Everything will be included in the flat price that we provide for the long distance. Our start time will be 9 o’clock, and delivery time-you can talk with the movers when you would like us to see if your destination. It could be anytime of the day, and it could be very precise within an hour at the next spot. We drive and only hire safe drivers so you can make sure nothing will happen with your stuff while it’s in transit to the next destination. You don’t have to pay a deposit when you book with Born To Move, and also check our testimonials online to figure out what’s the best for you and what kind of interstate company in Plantation would you like to hire? With the reviews or without the reviews, it’s totally up to you, but please make sure it will be licensed and insured.

Process of Moving

It’s very simple to get your move on the books with Born To Move. All you need to do is register. Movers will call you-I mean, not the movers but a representative-you just need to provide the list of items you’re moving, and we can accommodate your request on such a short notice, or if you need, we can provide you or two months in advance. Up to you if you buy the new house; if

How can I know which storage unit I need for my move?

you need storage, we completely do that. We just need you to understand that we can do any job possible with Plantation moving company is Born To Move. We’re able to provide you with the dignity, respect, and care to your items such as desk, TV, TV stand, couch-everything will be wrapped up, protected when our moving team will come to you to move. We always prepare the boxes so the movers can just pick up, put it in commercial bin boxes, and rolling out from your current apartment or carry out from your new place. All you need to do is just give us your word and we can schedule the move. You don’t have to move on your own. Especially if you have such great moving companies, Born To Move, that can bring the moving equipment, toolbox, mattress carrier, piano board just to do your move professionally and without any downturn to your time when you will have to pay because we’re working by the hourly rate and by the hour, and we have a three hours minimum plus travel time.

To Get a Free Online Quote
Check our reviews
Book your move in 3 easy steps
Need an idea how much your move will cost? You can use our moving cost calculator or online request form to get an approximate estimate for your move.
Fill out the request form or
contact us over the phone at
(617) 903-2609
Kindly provide us with a comprehensive inventory
list, or use your phone to capture the inventory
Personal Quote
Get a transparent quote for your move! We are
moving pros you can trust with complete confidence
born to Move meets all insurance requirements.
To find out more about our professional moving services, please call our office Monday through Saturday 9am to 7pm.
Book a move in 3 easy steps
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