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Movers from Concord NH to Chicago

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Fully Licensed and Insured
Fully Licensed
and Insured
Professional Moving Crew
Professional Moving

If you need flexibility with your house move looking for reliable movers near me, our trained and experienced moving specialists are ready to offer a wide range of moving services. Our customers can fully rely on our many-year experience and competence. Having worked in this field for a considerable number of years and successfully gained the trust of our devoted customers, Born To Move has become the company number one for performing various moving tasks.

What distinguishes us from other moving companies from Concord NH to Chicago is the variety of available services, as well as reasonable prices. Furthermore, the potential customers of our facility are free to get a free quote either by getting in touch with our specialists or using the online feature. The latter is available on our official website. It is the algorithm that allows us to estimate the approximate cost of the move of a particular customer based on the selected services. As for today, we made sure to offer a broad spectrum of moving services to make your move as hassle-free as possible.

The use of packing supplies

Our moving company provides customers with a variety of moving services. Each service involves using different supplies. The most important part of every move we perform is packing customer’s assets properly. When doing that, our movers use a wide range of packing materials and supplies accordingly. These are:

  • Covers for furniture. Apart from disassembling customer’s furniture, our moving company provides proper protection, taking into consideration the materials their furniture is made of.
  • Packing heavy-duty tape. To be able to additionally secure the items previously packed in the boxes, we use heavy-duty tape. It is important that our movers from Concord NH to Chicago make sure that all your belongings and assets stay in place during the move.
  • Reliable cardboard boxes and bubble wrap. When packing fragile items, it is vital that we provided proper cushioning, creating a protective layer. Our team always uses bubble wrap to secure breakable items, as well as the ones that are oddly-shaped, thus require to be packed differently. When it comes to cardboard boxes, we often line the bottom of each box, creating a safety level vital for the moving process. At your disposal, there are cardboard boxes of different capacities, depending on what kind of items you are planning on organizing in each box. Do not re-use the boxes to avoid your belongings being damaged or destroyed.
  • Labels. The labels are optional and used only if you want to mark the packed items, keeping them organized. They are also used in terms of marking the boxes that ought to be unpacked first or the ones you should be extra careful with.

Additionally, the customer is free to choose the appropriate storage space according to the number of items to be stored there. The belongings are secured there overnight. Afterward, our movers from Concord NH to Chicago arrive at the destination at approximately nine o’clock in the morning to perform the actual move. You can also choose many additional moving services, among which is the rapid delivery.

Since there are moving vehicles of different capacities, regardless of how many items are to be shipped swiftly, we perform rapid delivery within 1-2 days to various areas of Chicago. Keep in mind that all the services, both obligatory and additional ones, are completely affordable. The relocation price of a regular one-bedroom apartment may start from $4,500, depending on the circumstances.


Why call our movers from Concord NH to Chicago for help


Even the most exciting times require careful thinking and proper planning. We highly recommend you to use the services of trustworthy moving companies near me so as to avoid potential issues and unpleasant situations that may occur while performing the move. Since there are so many things to consider, being supported by someone professional and skilled is the best option. Born To Move pros are ready to face unpredictable challenges, delivering professional services and performing all the planned tasks on time. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us for more information regarding the moving process, as well as to get a quote and plan your moving budget with us.

Our hourly rates include all other charges:

  • Labor & Equipment
  • Floor Protection
  • Wrapped Furniture
  • Tolls
  • Taxes
  • No Additional Fees
  • Fuel Charge
  • Safe Delivery
  • Guaranteed Price

What's included in the rate for moving from Concord NH to Chicago

Our flat rate for moving from Concord NH to Chicago includes all other charges. No hidden fees.

Are you guys fully licensed and insured?

Yes, Born to Move Moving Company is fully licensed and Insured for moving from Concord NH to Chicago


Customers responsible for truck parking in Chicago or any parking tickets.

Can i ride in the truck from Concord NH to Chicago

Unfortunately you can not be in the truck while we transport your items from Concord NH to Chicago ,because of the certain department of transportation regulations.

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Book your move in 3 easy steps
Need an idea how much your move will cost? You can use our moving cost calculator or online request form to get an approximate estimate for your move.
Fill out the request form or
contact us over the phone at
(617) 903-2609
Kindly provide us with a comprehensive inventory
list, or use your phone to capture the inventory
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born to Move meets all insurance requirements.
To find out more about our professional moving services, please call our office Monday through Saturday 9am to 7pm.
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