1 free month of storage!

(617) 903-2609

Movers from Boston to San Diego

Video reviews from our recent customers
Moving Size Movers and Trucks Rate Approximate Time
to Complete
Studio or Less 2 Guys and 1 Truck $140/hr 3 hours $420
Small 1 Bedroom 2 Guys and 1 Truck $140/hr 3 - 4 hours $420 - $560
Large 1 Bedroom 2 Guys and 1 Truck $140/hr 3 - 5 hours $420 - $700
Small 2 Bedroom 2 Guys and 1 Truck $140/hr 3 - 5 hours $420 - $700
Large 2 Bedroom 3 Guys and 1 Truck $190/hr 4 - 6 hours $760 - $1140
3 Bedroom Apt 3 Guys and 1 Truck $190/hr 5 - 7 hours $950 - $1330
2 Bedroom Townhouse/House 3 Guys and 1 Truck $190/hr 5 - 7 hours $950 - $1330
3 Bedroom Townhouse/House 4 Guys and 1 Truck $240/hr 6 - 8 hours $1440 - $1920
4 Bedroom Townhouse/House 4 Guys and 1 Truck $240/hr 7 - 10 hours $1680 - $2400
5+ Bedroom Townhouse/House 5 Guys and 2 Trucks $340/hr Up to 12 hours Up to $4080
*All estimates in the table are based on our experience and may not always be relevant to your particular move. An accurate estimate can be provided by our managers only.
**Hourly rates in the table may vary depending on the time of season.
Hourly Rate
$140/ hr*
  • Expedited delivery
  • 2 professional movers
  • Insurance
  • Dedicated clean truck
  • Gas, tolls, miles, taxes
Online and On-site Free Estimates
Online and On-site
Free Estimates
Affordable Rates and Discounts
Affordable Rates
and Discounts
Fully Licensed and Insured
Fully Licensed
and Insured
Professional Moving Crew
Professional Moving

When you book with us!

You can reschedule your move at anytime

You can reschedule your move at anytime

No deposit required to schedule a move!

No deposit required to schedule a move!

No cancelation policy

No cancelation policy

Free visual estimate via FaceTime and on site

What’s included when you use Born to Move?

COI (certificate of insurance included)

  • Truck
  • Movers
  • Gas
  • Tolls
  • Mileage
  • Furniture packing/
  • Taxes

Moving cross-country

Moving cross-country is a whole journey when you’re moving from Boston to San Diego. You definitely need some help, unless you decide to sell your items and simply buy new ones upon arrival. At Born To Move, we offer all types of cross-country moving services from coast to coast. We can deliver your belongings in about four days, meaning we only need four days of driving to transport your stuff from point A to point B.
How can I know which storage unit I need for my move?

Do you need a deposit to schedule a reservation?

As you may be aware, most moving companies charge a deposit to book or schedule your move. However, Born to Move does not charge a deposit from our customers. We trust our clients, so we only collect the inventory and collect a deposit when we schedule your move to San Diego or any other destination across America.

How much does your company charge for movers from Boston to San Diego?

Born to Move provides a flat rate for moving from Boston to San Diego, starting at $9500. This rate can accommodate a one-bedroom apartment, a two-bedroom apartment, or a three-bedroom house. We provide excellent customer service, focusing on one customer at a time for cross-country moves, meaning we never share the truck with other customers. Each move has its own dedicated truck.

Movers will

Pack your furniture with moving blankets


Disassemble reassemble your furniture


Rearranging a furniture inside your new apartment the way you want


Take a trash after the move is completed

What’s included in your flat rate?

Absolutely everything is included, such as transportation, gas, trucks, movers, packing materials, tools, loading, unloading, and disposal of all trash after we complete the move.

How does payment work?

After we finish loading, our foreman will collect 50% of the payment below the truck and the remaining 50% after we unload the truck in San Diego. You can pay with a certified credit card or cash to your driver, who will be driving the truck from Boston to San Diego.


Movers from Boston to San Diego will comply with all federal regulations on the way to San Diego. When crossing the country, it is crucial to strictly follow all rules when driving a large truck. Our movers will stop at every weigh station across the country, as required by federal law.

Insurance for Cross-Country Moving

Insurance is crucial. All moving companies performing long moves cross-country must provide insurance that will cover your belongings at $.60 per pound for any damages or losses. However, Born to Move offers the option to provide full replacement value coverage up to $50,000. We are very proud of this, and if you are interested in this insurance option, you can always contact your moving representative to provide you with a separate quote for your moving insurance needs.
How can I know which storage unit I need for my move?

Cross-country storage

If you require storage for one night, a week, a month, or even a year, Born to Move provides outstanding storage solutions for you and your family. All you need to do is provide a list of items, and we will determine how large your storage needs to be. We charge for up to two weeks of storage, but you will get it for free when you hire cross-country movers from Boston to San Diego. We also have storage in Boston and can move immediately after you sell your house.

What details do I need to provide to make a reservation?

Generally, it will take us 60 days to complete your move from Boston to San Diego. Our movers will drive tirelessly cross-country, but all you need to do is provide an inventory. Call us at 617-903-2609 and provide your inventory, desired move-in date, desired delivery date, type of entrance, what type of services you need, and if you have any extra heavy items. The entire conversation should only take 5 to 10 minutes to complete your estimate for your move.

Packing for cross-country moving

Packing for your cross-country relocation is significant, especially when you need assistance with special requests like car hauling, piano moving, or crating expensive items. You can pack normally, and our Born to Move team will help put everything together by wrapping your furniture with thick moving blankets, packing your items in boxes, and going the extra mile to ensure your relocation from Boston to San Diego is smooth. We always bring enough blankets to cover all your belongings, and all furniture will be disassembled and reassembled swiftly.

Moving parking permits

If you need to obtain parking permits for your move in Boston or San Diego, just inform us of the date, and our coordinator will be able to reach out to City Hall to provide them for you for free in either city. This complimentary service includes a moving parking permit.

Extra services that we provide
Piano moving

Piano moving

Hoisting / crane moving

Hoisting / crane moving

Pool table moving

Pool table moving

Extra heavy lifting

Extra heavy lifting


What is included in the flat rate?

The flat rate is all-inclusive; there are no additional fees or charges. The flat rate includes movers and trucks, loading and loading, wrapping and unwrapping furniture, disassembly, and reassembly, gas, tolls, etc.

When Born to Move deliver my stuff?

We will deliver your belongings from Boston to San Diego within 4-5 days. Delivery is guaranteed. We also can postpone your delivery by request.

Where is the truck will be parked?

Our fleet is located in a secured parking lot in Newton, 24/7, under video surveillance.

Is your company insured?

Born to move is fully licensed, bonded, and insured.

Who is responsible for parking?

Customers are responsible for getting a parking permit for the date of the move.

Do you sell jobs to anyone?

We never sell jobs or share any customer information with a third party. We always operate ourselves.

Are you running a background check on workers?

Each employee goes through a background check.

Are you going to wrap all my furniture?

We always make sure every single item of furniture is wrapped in moving blankets and plastic film.

How can I prepare for my long distance move to San Diego?

Please make sure you empty all drawers and that all miscellaneous items are packed in boxes. We will take care of all the rest.

How much do I need to tip movers?

Tips are not required and are optional.

How much in advance do I need to book movers?

2-4 weeks in advance would be the best option to schedule your move.

Can Born to Move move bags of cloth?

Yes, we can move bags with clothes. We also can provide you with wardrobe boxes on the day of the move.

How many hours can you drive a day?

By regulation of FMCSA, we are allowed to drive 11 hours a day.

Check our reviews
Book your move in 3 easy steps
Need an idea how much your move will cost? You can use our moving cost calculator or online request form to get an approximate estimate for your move.
Fill out the request form or
contact us over the phone at
(617) 903-2609
Kindly provide us with a comprehensive inventory
list, or use your phone to capture the inventory
Personal Quote
Get a transparent quote for your move! We are
moving pros you can trust with complete confidence
born to Move meets all insurance requirements.
To find out more about our professional moving services, please call our office Monday through Saturday 9am to 7pm.
Book a move in 3 easy steps
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